advanced forms

Tailwind CSS Strong Password

The Strong Password Component uses a visual progress bar to indicate password strength, motivating users to create stronger passwords during registration or when updating their settings.

Class Name
inputComponentBasic input field.
strong-password:{tw-utility-class}ModifierThe modifier allows setting Tailwind classes for the passed stripes.
strong-password-accepted:{tw-utility-class}ModifierThe modifier allows setting Tailwind classes when password strength is accepted.
strong-password-active:{tw-utility-class}ModifierThe modifier allows setting Tailwind classes when a password strength rule is active.

Basic example demonstrating password input with strength meter.

Password input with label.

Strong password example with input type.

Indicators and hints help enhance the user experience.

In this example, the minLength property is used to specify the minimum number of characters, which is set to 7.

To test this, we’ve disabled the inclusion of lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and special characters using the :checksExclude property. Now, only the min-length requirement is active.

Use the specialCharactersSet property to specify a custom set of special characters. In below example, only &, !, and @ will satisfy the special character condition.

Indicator and hints inside a popover.

data-strong-passwordEnable strong password requirements for a specific element. The password must include at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number, one special character (!%&@#$^*?_~), and be a minimum of 6 characters long.--
:target (required)This function accepts the ID of the content element that should be observed, typically the ID of an input element.string-
:stripClassesDefines CSS classes for each strip.--
:minLengthSpecifies the minimum length required for a password.number6
:modeSpecifies the mode to be used. If “popover” is selected, the hints will be displayed as a popover.default or popoverdefault
:popoverSpaceThis option is available when the mode is set to “popover”. It specifies the space between the popover and the target element.number10
:checksExcludeSpecifies which checks should be excluded. It accepts an array of strings, such as [“min-length”, “lowercase”, “uppercase”, “numbers”, “special-characters”].array[]
:specialCharactersSetSpecifies which special characters should be used for checking. It accepts a string containing the available characters, for example, “!%&”.string!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\\]^_`{}~
:hintsSpecifies the element to be observed as the hints container. This must be a valid selector. Some selectors available for use inside the hints include:
  • [data-pw-strength-hint] Specifies the element to be observed as the weakness text container. It should contain an array of strings, such as [“Empty”, “Weak”, “Medium”, “Strong”, “Very Strong”, “Super Strong”]. Each text corresponds to a specific strength value. For example, “Medium” has an index of 2 and will be displayed when the strength is also 2. “Empty” has an index of 0 and will be shown when the field is empty and has no strength.
  • [data-pw-strength-rule] Specifies the element to be observed as the rule text container. It can have one of the following values: “min-length”, “lowercase”, “uppercase”, “numbers”, or “special-characters”.
  • [data-check]Specifies the element to be observed inside the [data-pw-strength-rule] attribute as the rule check icon container.
  • [data-uncheck]Specifies the element to be observed inside the [data-pw-strength-rule] attribute as the rule uncheck icon container.

The HSStrongPassword object is contained within the global window object.

recalculateDirection()Force recalculation for dropdown hint.
Returns the element linked to the target.
  • target should be a Node or string (valid selector).

Force dropdown hint position to be recalculated when scrolling (public method).

const strongPassword = new HSStrongPassword(document.querySelector('#strong-password'));

document.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
if (strongPassword) strongPassword.recalculateDirection();

Force dropdown hint position to be recalculated when scrolling (mixed).

const strongPassword = HSStrongPassword.getInstance('#strong-password');

document.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
if (strongPassword) strongPassword.recalculateDirection();
on:changeCalled when target element was changed.
  • strength number. Current level of strength (0 - 4). Default - 0
  • rules array. Current set of passed checks ("lowercase", "uppercase", "numbers", "special-characters")

Assign an ID to the div that contains the data-strong-password attribute, and then use that ID to attach an event.

The example below demonstrates a use case of event usage. You can view the output in the console by typing in input.

An example where a function is run every time a value changes.

const el =  HSStrongPassword.getInstance('#strong-password');

el.on('change', ({strength, rules}) => {
console.log('strength:', strength)
console.log('rules:', rules)