
Tailwind CSS Accordion

Utilize the accordion feature to reveal concealed content by toggling the collapse and expand states of its child elements, employing data attribute options.

Class Name
accordionComponentContainer class for an accordion group.
accordion-itemComponentContainer class for a single accordion.
accordion-toggleComponentClass for accordion button.
accordion-contentComponentAccordion content class.
accordion-borderedModifierApply Bordered style.
accordion-shadowModifierApply shadow style.
accordion-item-active:{tw-utility-class}ModifierApply tailwind classes when the accordion item is active.
activeModifierActive accordion item.

Basic accordion example.

To ensure that accordion items remain open even when another item is opened, set the data-accordion-always-open attribute as shown below.

Active content will display with a border. You can use the accordion-item-active:{tw-utility-class} to define the style for an accordion item when it is active, using Tailwind classes.

Apply the accordion-shadow modifier class alongside the accordion component class to add a shadow effect to all accordion-item elements.

To modify the shadow color for active items, use the accordion-item-active: modifier.

You can improve the visual presentation of the accordion item when it’s active by adding the accordion-item-active class. For example, you could modify its size to create a noticeable distinction when it’s in the active state.

A simple accordion layout featuring a submenu.

A simple accordion design that includes an arrow.

The below example is the accordion with avatar.

A simple accordion setup with an arrow positioned on the right side.

An accordion featuring an icon on the left and an arrow on the right.

A version without an Plus.

A basic form of the bordered accordion. Use the accordion-bordered class to add a border to the accordion.

data-accordion-always-openMakes accordion items stay open when another item is opened.booleanfalse

The HSAccordion object is contained within the global window object.

show()Open collapsed item.
hide()Collapse item.
HSAccordion.getInstance(target, isInstance)
Returns the element associated to the target.
  • target should be a Node or string (valid selector).
  • isInstance boolean. Returns the instance instead of Node if true.
Open collapsed item.
  • target should be a Node.
Collapse item.
  • target should be a Node.

Below, we demonstrate how to use the public methods. Assign an ID to the accordion-item as shown. To test the other methods, copy the provided code into your console and click the button.

Open item (public method).

// This method is used in above example.
const accordion = new HSAccordion(document.querySelector('#payment-method'));
const showBtn = document.querySelector('#show-btn');

showBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {;

Open item (static method).

const showBtn = document.querySelector('#show-btn');

showBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {'#payment-method');

Open item (mixed).

const { element } = HSAccordion.getInstance('#payment-method', true);
const showBtn = document.querySelector('#show-btn');

showBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {;
on:openFires after the accordion is opened.Current accordion element.
on:closeFires after accordion is closed.Current accordion element.

Just like in the methods section, assign an ID to the accordion-item in events. Click on the accordion, and observe the console output.

Open any accordion event example.

const { element } = HSAccordion.getInstance('#payment-event', true)

element.on('open', (instance) => {console.log("open")});
element.on('close', (instance) => {console.log("close")});