
Tailwind CSS Alert

Alerts serve to notify users of significant events or updates.

Class Name
alertComponentContainer element
alert-neutralModifierAlert with ’neutral’ color
alert-primaryModifierAlert with ‘primary’ color
alert-secondaryModifierAlert with ‘secondary’ color
alert-infoModifierAlert with ‘info’ color
alert-successModifierAlert with ‘success’ color
alert-warningModifierAlert with ‘warning’ color
alert-errorModifierAlert with ’error’ color
alert-softModifierSoft color alert with border
alert-outlineModifierAlert with border

The standard format of solid-colored avatars, accompanied by the component class alert and modifier class

The standard format of soft-colored avatars, accompanied by the component class alert , alert-soft and modifier class alert-{semantic-color}.

The standard format of outline-colored avatars, accompanied by the component class alert , alert-outline and modifier class alert-{semantic-color}.

Add a descriptive icon to complement the message within the alert component, as illustrated in the example below.

Alerts may include supplementary HTML elements such as headers, paragraphs, and icons.

Similarly you can use lists.

The action alert delivers vital information to users and encourages them to take defined actions. It commonly comprises a message, a link for additional details, and interactive buttons for user engagement.

Required FlyonUI JS

Utilize the data-remove-element attribute to specify the connected ID for alert removal. Customize the removal animation by incorporating the removing: modifier, as illustrated below.