
Tailwind CSS Avatar

Avatars bring life to the interface, offering a small but vivid representation of individuals or businesses.

Class Name
avatarComponentContainer element
avatar-groupComponentContainer for grouping multiple avatars
placeholderModifierTo show some letters as avatar placeholder
online-topModifierShows a green dot at top as online indicator
online-bottomModifierShows a green dot at bottom as online indicator
away-topModifierShows a warning dot at top as away indicator
away-bottomModifierShows a warning dot at bottom as away indicator
busy-topModifierShows an error dot at top as busy indicator
busy-bottomModifierShows an error dot at bottom as busy indicator
offline-topModifierShows a neutral dot at top as offline indicator
offline-bottomModifierShows a neutral dot at bottom as offline indicator

The avatar component class serves as a wrapper for the image, while the Size and Border Radius utility classes can be utilized to adjust its dimensions and radius.

Use rounded-full utility class to make circular avatars.

Apply the rounded-md utility class to achieve rounded avatars.

The mask class modifier can be applied to define the shape of the avatar.

Use placeholder component class with avatar for placeholder styles.
Design circular avatar elements featuring placeholder icons.

Design circular avatar elements featuring placeholder initials.

Pre-configured solid color avatar designs.

Pre-configured soft color avatar designs.

Pre-configured outline color avatar designs.

Avatars featuring various status indicators at top.

Avatars featuring various status indicators at bottom.

Avatars featuring various status indicators at bottom.

The avatar-group class acts as a container for avatars, allowing you to manage the spacing between them with the -space-x-4 class.
To ensure compatibility with right-to-left (RTL) layouts, you can apply the rtl:space-x-reverse class utility.

Utilize the pull-up class to enable hover functionality for the avatar.