Apply the chat-header class to incorporate a header into the chat bubble.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
I aced my final exams!
Fantastic news! You worked so hard for it!
<divclass="chat chat-receiver">
<divclass="chat-header text-base-content/90">
Obi-Wan Kenobi
<divclass="chat-bubble">I aced my final exams!</div>
<divclass="chat chat-sender">
<divclass="chat-header text-base-content/90">
<divclass="chat-bubble">Fantastic news! You worked so hard for it!</div>
Apply the chat-footer class to incorporate a footer into the chat bubble.
Just finished my first painting!
That’s amazing! I’d love to see it!
<divclass="chat chat-receiver">
<divclass="chat-bubble">Just finished my first painting!</div>
<divclass="chat-footer text-base-content/50">
<divclass="chat chat-sender">
<divclass="chat-bubble">That’s amazing! I’d love to see it!</div>
<divclass="chat-footer text-base-content/50">
<spanclass="icon-[tabler--checks] text-success align-bottom"></span>