
Tailwind CSS Indicator

Indicators precisely position elements at the corners of other elements, improving visual alignment in user interfaces.

Class Name
indicatorComponentContainer element.
indicator-itemComponentWill be placed on the corner of sibling.
indicator-startResponsiveAlign horizontally to the left.
indicator-centerResponsiveAlign horizontally to the center.
indicator-endResponsiveAlign horizontally to the right (default).
indicator-topResponsiveAlign vertically to top (default).
indicator-middleResponsiveAlign vertically to middle.
indicator-bottomResponsiveAlign vertically to bottom.

The indicator component acts as a container for indicators, with the indicator-item class offering default positioning. Tailwind utility classes enable control over size, background color, and roundness of the indicators.

Use badge for badge style indicator.

Using the rounded-full class with badge creates a pill-shaped badge as an indicator.

Avatar with an indicator badge denoting the user’s status.

Input field with a prominent indicator badge denoting a required entry.

Button indicator provides a visual cue for interacting with content or actions within a container.

Include the animate-ping utility to enable an element to scale and fade, resembling a radar ping or water ripple effect, which is beneficial for features like notification badges.

Apply the class animation-pulse to integrate this animated loading indicator for situations where content within a card is loading.

The Indicators can be positioned at.

The badge display can be positioned at.

Utilize responsive modifiers like sm, md, lg to adjust the indicator’s position based on screen size.