
Tailwind CSS Progress

Progress is a linear indicator of a user's progress through a task.

Class Name
progressComponentBase class for progress container component.
progress-barComponentBase class for progress bar component.
progress-stepComponentBase class for progress steps.
progress-verticalModifierAligns the progress bar vertically.
progress-labelModifierCreates the basic variant for floating labels.
progress-neutralModifierAdds ’neutral’ color to progress bar.
progress-primaryModifierAdds ‘primary’ color to progress bar.
progress-secondaryModifierAdds ‘secondary’ color to progress bar.
progress-accentModifierAdds ‘accent’ color to progress bar.
progress-infoModifierAdds ‘info’ color to progress bar.
progress-successModifierAdds ‘success’ color to progress bar.
progress-warningModifierAdds ‘warning’ color to progress bar.
progress-errorModifierAdds ’error’ color to progress bar.
progress-strippedModifierAdds stripped background to progress bars.
progress-animatedModifierAdds animation to stripped bars.
progress-indeterminateModifierUsed for progress bars without specific value.

Utilize the progress component class for the default horizontal progress component. Use the w-{number} utility class to represent the progress width. Refer TailwindCSS width documentation for more info.

Use modifier class progress-vertical for vertical progress component. Use the h-{number} utility class to represent the progress height. Refer TailwindCSS height documentation for more info.

Use TailwindCSS utility class h-{number} for custom height(thickness) of progress bar.

Utilize labels for presenting progress information.

Embedding values directly into the progress-bar will display them within the bars.

Use the following example to showcase labels positioned at the end of the progress bar.

Use the following example to showcase progress bar with title label.

Use the following example to showcase floating labels for progress bar. Use modifier class progress-label for basic floating label & position it using arbitrary class ms-[calc(X% - Yrem)], where X is progress bar width(%) & Y is half the width of floating label.

Use the labels to showcase progress for vertical bars.

Use below given examples to showcase labels within squared progress bars in center.

Use below given examples to showcase labels at top of vertical progress bars.

Use below given examples to showcase labels with title in vertical progress bars.

Implement floating labels for vertical progress bars using the provided example. Utilize the progress-label modifier class for the basic floating label and position it with the bottom-[calc(X% - Yrem)] class alongside classes absolute start-0. Here, X represents the progress bar height percentage, and Y signifies half the height of the floating label within the relative TailwindCSS position class.

To apply semantic colors to progress bars, utilize the progress-{semantic-color} class alongside the component class progress-bar.

Include the modifier class progress-stripped with the progress-bar component class for striped progress bars.

Utilize the modifier classes progress-stripped and progress-animated in conjunction with the component class progress-bar to create animated striped bars.

This is the default shape of progress bars. Refer TailwindCSS border radius documentation for more options.

Apply the TailwindCSS utility class rounded-none to both the component classes progress and progress-bar to create a squared progress bar.

Utilize the provided examples to implement multiple progress bars along with corresponding options such as default, striped, and animated.

Apply the modifier class progress-indeterminate to the component class progress-bar to create a progress bar without a specific value.

Implement the component class progress-step for the steps of the progress bar according to the provided examples.