
Tailwind CSS Status

The Status component is a compact icon designed to visually indicate the current state of an element, such as online, offline, or error.

Class Name
statusComponentStatus component
status-primaryColorStatus with ‘primary’ color.
status-secondaryColorStatus with ‘secondary’ color.
status-accentColorStatus with ‘accent’ color.
status-infoColorStatus with ‘info’ color.
status-successColorStatus with ‘success’ color.
status-warningColorStatus with ‘warning’ color.
status-errorColorStatus with ’error’ color.
status-xsSizeStatus with extra small size.
status-smSizeStatus with small size.
status-mdSizeStatus with medium (Default) size.
status-lgSizeStatus with large size.
status-xlSizeStatus with extra large size.

Basic example of status component.

Status sizes with status-{xs|sm|md|lg|xl} utility classes.

Pre-configured color status designs.

Use the animate-bounce utility to apply a bouncing animation to an element, creating a dynamic up-and-down motion. This effect is useful for drawing attention to interactive elements like buttons, notifications, or alerts.

Include the animate-ping utility to enable an element to scale and fade, resembling a radar ping or water ripple effect, which is beneficial for features like attention to the alert.

Use the animate-pulse utility to make an element pulse, drawing attention to important statuses like alerts or maintenance.

This example demonstrates how to integrate status with progress for better task visualization.