
Tailwind CSS Tree View

Use Tree View to navigate hierarchical data, making it perfect for directories, hierarchies, and more. Effortlessly expand, collapse, and select tree nodes.

Class Name
accordion-headingPartContainer class specifically for child elements within accordion-item.
accordion-togglePartThis class is responsible for toggling the tree-view between open and closed states.
accordion-contentPartThis class defines the content within each tree-view section.
accordion-itemPartThis class represents each individual item within the tree-view structure.
accordion-item-activeStateThis class applies styling to indicate an active item within the tree-view.
tree-view-spaceModifierStyle space and border for sub-menu.
tree-view-selected:{tw-utility-class}VariantA utility that applies specific Tailwind classes when an item is selected.
tree-view-disabled:{tw-utility-class}VariantA utility that applies specific Tailwind classes when an item has “disabled” class.

To initialize the Tree View component, apply the data-tree-view attribute to the wrapper element. This attribute activates the Tree View functionality on the specified element.

Each item in the Tree View is defined by the data-tree-view-item attribute. Add this attribute to the individual item elements within the Tree View to indicate which parts of the structure are items that can be interacted with.

Utilize the provided example for Tree View. You can change icon, text as per your needs.

This demo demonstrates how to close the currently open element within its group.

The example below demonstrates the drag-and-drop functionality for items.

The example below demonstrates drag-and-drop functionality, including the ability to close the currently open element within its group.

You can select folders and files by marking the checkboxes.

The destroy method is provided to facilitate the destruction of a tree-view element.

data-tree-viewActivate the Tree View by applying it to the element, and ensure it is added to the wrapper.--
:controlByInforms the plugin of the active mode and handles events based on the selected mode.checkbox / buttonbutton
:autoSelectChildrenThis option is available when the controlBy parameter is set to checkbox and the item is a directory (isDir: true). When the item is selected, all nested items inherit the value of the parent.booleanfalse
:isIndeterminateApplies an indeterminate visual style when the controlBy parameter is set to checkbox.booleantrue
data-tree-view-itemSpecifies the element within the initialized component that represents the item. This should be applied to the item itself.--
:idOptional. Desired identifier.string-
:valueThe value that will be included in the resulting array.string-
:isDirDetermines that the element is a directory and handles it accordingly.booleanfalse

The HSTreeView object is contained within the global window object.

update()Update the element, particularly when rearranging the order of items.
getSelectedItems()Returns a list of selected items.
destroy()Destroys the instance, removes generated markup (if any), removes added classes and attributes.
HSTreeView.getInstance(target, isInstance)
Returns the element associated to the target.
  • target should be a Node or string (valid selector).
  • isInstance boolean. Returns the instance instead of Node if true.

Below, we demonstrate how to use the update methods. Assign an ID to the data-tree-view as shown.

Update Element

const treeView = HSTreeView.getInstance('#tree-view-method', true);
const updateBtn = document.querySelector('#update-btn');

updateBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {

Get selected items

// This method is used in above example.
const treeView = HSTreeView.getInstance('#tree-view-method', true)
const getItemsBtn = document.querySelector('#get-items-btn')

getItemsBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {

Destroy instance

const treeView = document.querySelector('#tree-view-to-destroy')
const accordions = document.querySelectorAll('#tree-view-to-destroy .accordion-item')
const destroy = document.querySelector('#destroy-btn')

destroy.addEventListener('click', () => {
  const treeViewInstance = HSTreeView.getInstance(treeView, true)

  accordions.forEach(el => {
    const accordionInstance = HSAccordion.getInstance(el, true)

on:clickCalled when any item was selected.{ id: string; value: string; isDir: boolean; path: string; isSelected: boolean; }

Just like in the methods section, assign an ID to the data-tree-view in events. Click on the item, and observe the console output.

When select changes event example.

const el = HSTreeView.getInstance('#tree-view-event', true)

el.element.on('click', data => {
  console.log('data', data)