Utilities and Variables
Additional utility classes and CSS variables that FlyonUI uses for components and themes.
FlyonUI provides an adaptable system of utility classes and CSS variables, enabling you to easily integrate components and customize themes across your project.
Below is a comprehensive overview of the essential utility classes and variables used throughout FlyonUI components.
FlyonUI offers a variety of color utilities, including the primary color, which can be applied using standard Tailwind CSS utilities. These utilities can be used across various properties, making it simple to style your elements with ease.
Learn more about color names .
For example, use the primary color class with any Tailwind CSS utility like so:
Class Name | Description |
bg-primary | Sets the background color to the primary color |
to-primary | Sets the ending color for a gradient to the primary color |
via-primary | Sets the middle color for a gradient to the primary color |
from-primary | Sets the starting color for a gradient to the primary color |
text-primary | Sets the text color to the primary color |
ring-primary | Sets the ring color to the primary color |
fill-primary | Sets the fill color for SVG elements to the primary color |
caret-primary | Sets the caret color to the primary color |
stroke-primary | Sets the stroke color for SVG elements to the primary color |
border-primary | Sets the border color to the primary color |
divide-primary | Sets the dividing border color to the primary color |
accent-primary | Sets the accent color to the primary color |
shadow-primary | Sets the shadow color to the primary color |
outline-primary | Sets the outline color to the primary color |
decoration-primary | Sets the text decoration color to the primary color |
placeholder-primary | Sets the placeholder text color to the primary color |
ring-offset-primary | Sets the ring offset color to the primary color |
bg-primary/50 | Background with 50% opacity |
FlyonUI includes extended border radius utilities that dynamically adjust based on the active theme. These custom radius classes are designed to provide unique shapes for elements like tooltips, buttons, and cards.
You can apply any Tailwind border-radius utility, such as rounded-r-box
or rounded-tr-field
, as needed for different components.
Class Name | CSS Variable | Description |
rounded-box | var(--radius-box) | For large components like cards, modals, and alerts |
rounded-field | var(--radius-field) | For medium-sized components like buttons, inputs, selects, and tabs |
rounded-selector | var(--radius-selector) | For small components like checkboxes, toggles, and badges |
Customize these CSS variables for each theme. Explore more about color names .
CSS Variable | Description |
var(--color-primary) | Primary brand color |
var(--color-primary-content) | Content color to use on the primary color background |
var(--color-secondary) | Secondary brand color |
var(--color-secondary-content) | Content color to use on the secondary color background |
var(--color-accent) | Accent brand color |
var(--color-accent-content) | Content color to use on the accent color background |
var(--color-neutral) | Neutral dark color |
var(--color-neutral-content) | Content color to use on the neutral color background |
var(--color-base-100) | Base color for page backgrounds |
var(--color-base-200) | Darker shade of the base color |
var(--color-base-300) | Even darker shade of the base color |
var(--color-base-content) | Content color to use on the base color background |
var(--color-info) | Info color |
var(--color-info-content) | Content color to use on the info color background |
var(--color-success) | Success color |
var(--color-success-content) | Content color to use on the success color background |
var(--color-warning) | Warning color |
var(--color-warning-content) | Content color to use on the warning color background |
var(--color-error) | Error color |
var(--color-error-content) | Content color to use on the error color background |
var(--radius-selector) | Border radius for selectors like checkboxes, toggles, badges, etc. |
var(--radius-field) | Border radius for fields like inputs, selects, tabs, etc. |
var(--radius-box) | Border radius for boxes like cards, modals, alerts, etc. |
var(--size-selector) | Base size for selectors like checkboxes, toggles, badges, etc. |
var(--size-field) | Base size for fields like inputs, selects, tabs, etc. |
var(--border) | Border width for all components |
var(--depth) | (binary) Adds depth effect to relevant components |
var(--noise) | (binary) Adds noise effect to the background of relevant components |
Some FlyonUI components utilize their own CSS variables for fine-grained customization. These allow you to adjust the appearance of individual components with greater control.
Component | CSS Variable | Description |
Alert | --alert-color | Sets the color of the alert |
Badge | --badge-color | Sets the color of the badge |
--size | Sets the size of the badge | |
Button | --btn-color | Sets the background color of the button |
--btn-fg | Sets the foreground color of the button | |
--btn-shadow | Sets the shadow effect of the button | |
--btn-noise | Sets the noise effect on the button (if enabled) | |
--btn-p | Sets the padding of the button | |
--size | Sets the size of the button | |
--dark-shade | Dark shade generated for gradient buttons based on btn-color | |
Card | --card-p | Sets the padding of the card body |
--card-border | Sets the border width of the card | |
--card-shadow | Sets the shadow effect of the card | |
Checkbox | --size | Sets the size of the checkbox |
--input-color | Sets the border and background color when the checkbox is checked | |
Indicator | --indicator-t | Sets the top position of the indicator |
--indicator-b | Sets the bottom position of the indicator | |
--indicator-s | Sets the start position of the indicator | |
--indicator-e | Sets the end position of the indicator | |
--indicator-y | Sets the vertical position of the indicator | |
--indicator-x | Sets the horizontal position of the indicator | |
Input | --input-color | Sets the color of the input |
--size | Sets the size of the input | |
Kbd | --size | Sets the size of the keyboard element |
Link | --link-color | Sets the color of the link |
Menu | --menu-active-fg | Sets the foreground color of the active menu item |
--menu-active-bg | Sets the background color of the active menu item | |
Radial Progress | --value | Sets the value of the radial progress |
--size | Sets the size of the radial progress | |
--thickness | Sets the thickness of the radial progress | |
--radialprogress | Used for calculating the position of the radial progress | |
Radio | --input-color | Sets the border and background color when the radio button is checked |
--size | Sets the size of the radio button | |
Range | --range-color | Sets the background color of the range slider thumb |
--range-thumb-size | Sets the color of the range slider thumb | |
--range-thumb-border-width | Sets the size of the range slider thumb | |
--range-track-height | Sets the track height for the range slider | |
Select | --input-color | Sets the color of the input in the select |
--size | Sets the size of the select element | |
Switches | --input-color | Sets the color of the switch’s background, border, or text |
--toggle-p | Sets the padding of the toggle | |
--size | Sets the size of the toggle | |
Tab | --tabs-height | Sets the height of the tabs |
--tabs-direction | Sets the direction of the tabs | |
--size | Size of tab | |
--tab-p | Sets the padding of the tab | |
--tab-bg | Sets the background color of the tab | |
--tab-border-color | Sets the border color of the tab | |
--tab-border | Border width for tab | |
--tab-grad | Lifted tab utility | |
--tab-radius | Lifted tab radius | |
Textarea | --input-color | Sets the color of the textarea |
--size | Sets the size of the textarea | |
Timeline | --timeline-row-start | Sets the start position of the timeline row |
--timeline-row-end | Sets the end position of the timeline row | |
--timeline-col-start | Sets the start position of the timeline column | |
--timeline-col-end | Sets the end position of the timeline column | |
Glass | --glass-blur | Sets the blur intensity of the glass effect |
--glass-opacity | Sets the opacity of the glass effect | |
--glass-reflect-degree | Sets the reflection degree of the glass effect | |
--glass-reflect-opacity | Sets the opacity of the glass reflection | |
--glass-border-opacity | Sets the opacity of the glass border | |
--glass-text-shadow-opacity | Sets the opacity of the glass text shadow | |
Join | --join-ss | Sets the start start border radius for the join |
--join-se | Sets the start end border radius for the join | |
--join-es | Sets the end start border radius for the join | |
--join-ee | Sets the end end border radius for the join |
These variants are designed for headless JS components like dropdowns, overlays, tooltips, etc. They function similarly to other TailwindCSS-like state or responsive variants (e.g., checked:
and md:
These variants apply specific TailwindCSS utility classes based on a particular component’s state or condition.
Variants | Description |
dropdown-open:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when the dropdown is open |
removing:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes during element removal |
tooltip-shown:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when the tooltip is visible |
accordion-item-active:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when an accordion item is active |
accordion-selected:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when an accordion item is selected |
collapse-open:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a collapse element is open |
active-tab:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a tab is active |
overlay-open:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when an overlay is open |
overlay-layout-open:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when an overlay layout is open |
overlay-backdrop-open:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when an overlay backdrop is open |
scrollspy-active:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when an element is active in scrollspy |
carousel-active:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a carousel item is active |
carousel-disabled:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a carousel item is disabled |
selected:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when an element is selected |
select-disabled:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a select element is disabled |
select-active:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a select element is active |
select-opened:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a select dropdown is opened |
input-number-disabled:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a number input is disabled |
pin-input-active:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a pin input field is active |
password-active:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a password field is active |
stepper-active:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a stepper step is active |
stepper-success:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a stepper step is successful |
stepper-completed:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a stepper step is completed |
stepper-error:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a stepper step encounters an error |
stepper-processed:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a stepper step is processed |
stepper-disabled:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a stepper step is disabled |
stepper-skipped:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a stepper step is skipped |
strong-password:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a password is strong |
strong-password-accepted:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a strong password is accepted |
strong-password-active:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a strong password is actively typed |
combo-box-active:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a combo box is active |
combo-box-selected:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a combo box item is selected |
combo-box-has-value:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a combo box has a value |
combo-box-tab-active:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a tab in the combo box is active |
file-upload-complete:{tw-utility-classes} | Applies TailwindCSS classes when a file upload is complete |
Create a stunning frosted-glass appearance in your UI with the glass
class. This effect adds a sleek matte finish to your components, ideal for modern, layered UI designs.
<div class="glass">Glass</div>