

This page describes how FlyonUI JavaScript functions, outlines its approach, and offers several examples to illustrate its use.

FlyonUI includes a JavaScript plugin method autoInit() in the HSStaticMethods object, which allows you to reinitialize elements that are dynamically added to the page. This is particularly useful when content is loaded via AJAX or when new UI components are added after the initial page load.

To reinitialize all components on the page, you can use:


If you only want to reinitialize specific components, such as carousels and dropdowns, you can pass an array of component names:

window.HSStaticMethods.autoInit(["carousel", "dropdown"])

Imagine a situation where you want to load options dynamically into a <select> dropdown via an AJAX request, and you want to initialize it only after the options are loaded.

  "placeholder": "Select option..."
  class="--prevent-on-load-init hidden"
<button type="button" id="load-options">Load Options</button>

Here’s the script that dynamically fetches options from an API, populates the select element, and reinitializes it:

document.getElementById("load-options").addEventListener("click", function () {

function loadOptions() {
  const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()

  xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
      const options = JSON.parse(this.responseText)
    } else if (this.readyState == 4) {
      console.error("Failed to load options:", this.status, this.statusText)
  }"GET", "", true)

function populateOptions(options) {
  const selectElement = document.getElementById("dynamic-select-options")
  selectElement.innerHTML = "" // Clear existing options

  options.forEach(option => {
    const optionElement = document.createElement("option")
    optionElement.value = option.value
    optionElement.textContent = option.text

  // Reinitialize the select element after populating it

When working with TypeScript, you need to declare the interface for HSStaticMethods to prevent any errors or warnings about accessing it on the window object.

import { IStaticMethods } from "flyonui/flyonui"

declare global {
  interface Window {
    HSStaticMethods: IStaticMethods

window.HSStaticMethods.autoInit() // No TS warnings/errors now

This makes sure that TypeScript knows about the HSStaticMethods object on the global window.

Sometimes, you might not want certain elements to be automatically initialized on page load. For example, you may want to initialize them in response to a specific user interaction or an event. To do this, you can add the CSS class --prevent-on-load-init to the element.

    "placeholder": "Select option..."
  class="--prevent-on-load-init hidden"
  <option value="">Choose</option>
  <!-- Other options -->

Then, you can manually initialize these elements later when needed:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
  document.querySelectorAll("[data-hs-select].--prevent-on-load-init").forEach(el => {
    new HSSelect(el) // Manually initialize