
Upgrade Guide

This comprehensive guide walks you through updating your project setup and components to Tailwind CSS 4 and FlyonUI 2.

Tailwind CSS provides a CLI tool to streamline the upgrade process. This tool automatically applies necessary changes to your project, ensuring compatibility with the latest version.

Steps to Upgrade:

  1. Remove FlyonUI and plugins from your tailwind.config.js file. This allows Tailwind CSS’s upgrade tool to modify configurations safely.
module.exports = {
  content: ['./your-files/**/*.{html,js,ts}'],
  flyonui: {
    themes: ['light', 'dark', 'soft'], 
   plugins: [require("flyonui"), require(flyonui/plugin)],
  1. Run the official Tailwind CSS upgrade tool to update your setup automatically:
npx @tailwindcss/upgrade

Steps to Upgrade:

  1. Install FlyonUI 2 using npm:
npm i -D flyonui@latest
  1. Import FlyonUI into your CSS file:
@import "tailwindcss";
@plugin "flyonui";
@import "./node_modules/flyonui/variants.css";  // Extended variants for JS components
  1. Define the built-in theme in the configuration:
  @import "tailwindcss";
  @plugin "flyonui" {
    themes: light --default, dark --prefersdark, soft;
  1. Include FlyonUI’s JavaScript file in your HTML:
<script src="../node_modules/flyonui/flyonui.js"></script>

This section highlights all the exciting updates and changes made to FlyonUI components (HTML/CSS). Get ready to enhance your user experience with these improvements!


  • The classes vertical-scrollbar, horizontal-scrollbar, and rounded-scrollbar have been removed. Scrollbar styles are now globally applied via scrollbar.css. For more details, check out the Base Style documentation. Bye-bye cluttered scrollbar classes! 👋

🆕 Added

  • kbd-md (default size)
  • kbd-xl for extra-large keyboard touches!

📝 Updated

  • Adjusted kbd height for all sizes to make typing smoother.

🆕 Added

  • New text background color options! Choose from text with background, soft background, or text with a border. For the full scoop, visit the Text Color section.
  • Support for semantic gradient backgrounds. Learn more in the Semantic Gradient Background section.

🆕 Added

  • New option: --keep-one-open to keep at least one accordion always open. (Preline)
  • Added events: beforeOpen and beforeClose that fire before the accordion opens and closes. (Preline)

🆕 Added

  • Added a dash example for better design flexibility.

📝 Updated

  • The neutral alert is now the default. 🎉


  • alert-neutral style is gone. But don’t worry, we’ve made the neutral alert the standard! 😎

📝 Updated Breaking Changes: Class Name Renaming

To improve clarity and consistency, the following class names have been renamed:

  • placeholderavatar-placeholder
  • online-topavatar-online-top
  • online-bottomavatar-online-bottom
  • away-topavatar-away-top
  • away-bottomavatar-away-bottom
  • busy-topavatar-busy-top
  • busy-bottomavatar-busy-bottom
  • offline-topavatar-offline-top
  • offline-bottomavatar-offline-bottom

Placeholder Example:

<!-- Before -->
<div class="avatar placeholder">
  <div class="bg-neutral text-neutral-content w-10 rounded-full">
    <span class="icon-[tabler--user] size-6"></span>

<!-- After -->
<div class="avatar avatar-placeholder">
  <div class="bg-neutral text-neutral-content w-10 rounded-full">
    <span class="icon-[tabler--user] size-6"></span>

Status Example:

<!-- Before -->
<div class="avatar online-top">
  <div class="w-6 rounded-full">
    <img src="" alt="avatar" />

<!-- After -->
<div class="avatar avatar-online-top">
  <div class="w-6 rounded-full">
    <img src="" alt="avatar" />

🆕 Added

  • New badge sizes: badge-md (default) and badge-xl for more badge variety.
  • Dash example added for design flexibility.

📝 Updated

  • Neutral badge is now the default!
  • Adjusted the badge sizes based on a new scale for better visual consistency.


  • Removed the badge-neutral style. Neutral is the new default! ✨

🆕 Added

  • New button sizes: btn-md (default) and btn-xl for larger buttons.
  • Added a box-shadow effect if --depth is enabled for more dynamic buttons!

📝 Updated

  • The neutral button is now the default.
  • Button sizes have been adjusted to fit the new design scale.


  • Removed btn-neutral style. Neutral is now part of the default button setup! 🎨

🆕 Added

  • New card-border style that adapts the border width from the theme.
  • Support for different card sizes: card-xs, card-sm, card-md, card-lg, card-xl.


  • Removed card-compact style. Just use card-sm instead. Simpler and cleaner! 😉

📝 Updated

  • The chat bubble tail shape has been improved for a prettier, more polished design. 💬

📝 Updated

  • Fixed Firefox lag issue. More smoothness for your browser. ⚡

🆕 Added

  • New sizes: loading-md (default) and loading-xl.

📝 Updated

  • SVG animations have replaced CSS animations for better performance. No more sluggish loading! 🌀
  • Fixed a bug where Safari sometimes froze the animation. 🚀

🆕 Added

  • A new progress-horizonatal class.

🆕 Added

  • Added an animation effect to the --value when it changes. ✨
  • Improved accessibility for screen readers. Now, it’s more inclusive!

🆕 Added

  • stack-start and stack-end for controlling the stack direction.

📝 Updated

  • Removed h-* and w-* from each stack child and applied them to the stack component itself.
<div class="stack">
  <div class="bg-primary text-primary-content grid h-20 w-32 place-content-center rounded">1</div>
  <div class="bg-success text-success-content grid h-20 w-32 place-content-center rounded">2</div>
  <div class="bg-warning text-warning-content grid h-20 w-32 place-content-center rounded">3</div>  

<div class="stack h-20 w-32">
  <div class="bg-primary text-primary-content grid place-content-center rounded-sm">1</div>
  <div class="bg-success text-success-content grid place-content-center rounded-sm">2</div>
  <div class="bg-warning text-warning-content grid place-content-center rounded-sm">3</div>  

🆕 Added

  • New card-border style that adapts to the border width from the theme.
  • Added stats-horizontal class for horizontal stat layout. Perfect for dashboards! 📊

🆕 Added

  • New sizes for the menu: menu-md (default) and menu-xl.

📝 Updated

  • Breaking Change: Renamed disabled to menu-disabled.
  • Breaking Change: Renamed focus to menu-focus.
  • Breaking Change: Renamed active to menu-active. Now it’s clearer! ✅

📝 Updated

🆕 Added

  • New sizes for tabs: tab-md (default) and tab-xl. 🏷️

🆕 Added

  • Added [--scope:*] option for determines whether the dropdown will be moved outside the parent for correct display.(Preline)
  • Added [--has-autofocus:*] option for disable autofocus on the first focusable element (Preline)
  • Added [--gpu-acceleration:*] option for disable/enable position calculation using the transform property. (Preline)

📝 Updated

  • Breaking Changes: Rename active class of dropdown items to dropdown-active
  • Breaking Changes: Rename disabled class of dropdown items to dropdown-disabled
  • Migrate : Floating UI has now completely replaced Popper.js across all plugins.


  • Removed `[–skidding:*] option from dropdown.

🆕 Added

  • Add modal-dialog-md default for the modal width.
  • Added [–auto-close-equality-type:*] option for auto close (Preline)
  • Added [–has-dynamic-z-index:*] option for handling the dynamic z-index (Preline)

📝 Updated

  • Updated backdrop color to bg-base-300/60.
  • Now use overlay-open:duration-500 with modal and modal-dialog

📝 Updated

  • Migrate : Floating UI has now completely replaced Popper.js across all plugins.

🆕 Added

  • New sizes: checkbox-md (default) and checkbox-xl.
  • Now print-friendly. No more issues when printing your forms! 🖨️

📝 Updated

  • Improved the checkmark icon and its animation.
  • Enhanced accessibility features with improved focus styling.
  • Adjusted the size scale to better align with other components.

🆕 Added

  • New sizes: file-input-md (default) and file-input-xl.

📝 Updated

  • Adjusted padding and font size for a more polished look.

🆕 Added

  • Added helper-text for additional guidance on inputs.
  • New sizes: input-md (default) and input-xl.

📝 Updated

  • Breaking Change: Removed input-group. Grouping can now be achieved by wrapping inputs with the .input class.
  • Adjusted size scale for better uniformity across components.


  • Removed the input-filled variant.

Input label and helper text

<!-- Before -->
<div class="w-96">
  <label class="label label-text" for="labelAndHelperText"> Full Name </label>
  <input type="text" placeholder="John Doe" class="input" id="labelAndHelperText" />
  <span class="label">
    <span class="label-text-alt">Please write your full name</span>

<!-- After -->
<div class="w-96">
  <label class="label-text" for="labelAndHelperText">Full Name</label>
  <input type="text" placeholder="John Doe" class="input" id="labelAndHelperText" />
  <span class="helper-text">Please write your full name</span>

Input floating

<!-- Before -->
<div class="relative max-w-sm">
  <input type="text" placeholder="John Doe" class="input input-floating peer" id="floatingLabelDefault" />
  <label class="input-floating-label" for="floatingLabelDefault">Full Name</label>

<!-- After -->
<div class="input-floating w-96">
  <input type="text" placeholder="John Doe" class="input" id="floatingInput" />
  <label class="input-floating-label" for="floatingInput">Full Name</label>

Input Group changes

<!-- Before -->
<div class="input-group max-w-sm">
  <label class="input-group-text" for="inlineLabelName">Name</label>
  <input type="text" class="input grow" placeholder="FlyonUI" id="inlineLabelName" />

<!-- After -->
<div class="input max-w-sm">
  <label class="label-text my-auto me-3" for="inlineLabelName">Name</label>
  <input type="text" class="grow" placeholder="FlyonUI" id="inlineLabelName" />

🆕 Added

  • New radio sizes: radio-md (default) and radio-xl.
  • Radios are now print-friendly! 📄

📝 Updated

  • Change radio-inset to style instead of using it as a component.
  • Enhanced accessibility with improved forced color mode.
  • Adjusted the size scale to better align with other components.


  • The radio-inset-{sizes} and radio-inset-{semantic-color} classes associated with radio-inset have been removed.

Radio Inset

<!-- Before -->
<div class="flex items-center gap-1">
  <input type="radio" name="radio-3" class="radio-inset radio-inset-primary" id="radioType3"  />
  <label class="label label-text text-base" for="radioType3"> Default </label>

<!-- After -->
<div class="flex items-center gap-1">
  <input type="radio" name="radio-3" class="radio radio-inset radio-primary" id="radioType3"  />
  <label class="label-text text-base" for="radioType3"> Default </label>

🆕 Added

  • New sizes: range-md (default) and range-xl.
  • Range sliders are now print-friendly. 🖨️

📝 Updated

  • Updated variable name from --range-shdw to --range-color for better clarity and consistency.
  • Adjusted the size scale to better align with other components.

🆕 Added

  • New select sizes: select-md (default) and select-xl.
  • Added examples for select groups. Perfect for dynamic forms. 🎯

📝 Updated

  • Updated select-floating structure for a cleaner design.
  • Adjusted the size scale to better align with other components.


  • Removed select-filled variant.

Select floating

<!-- Before -->
<div class="relative w-full">
  <select class="select select-floating max-w-sm" aria-label="Select floating label" id="selectFloating">
    <option>The Godfather</option>
    <option>The Shawshank Redemption</option>
    <option>Pulp Fiction</option>
    <option>The Dark Knight</option>
    <option>Schindler's List</option>
  <label class="select-floating-label" for="selectFloating">Pick your favorite Movie</label>

<!-- After -->
<div class="select-floating w-96">
  <select class="select" aria-label="Select floating label" id="selectFloating">
    <option>The Godfather</option>
    <option>The Shawshank Redemption</option>
    <option>Pulp Fiction</option>
    <option>The Dark Knight</option>
    <option>Schindler's List</option>
  <label class="select-floating-label" for="selectFloating">Pick your favorite Movie</label>

🆕 Added

  • New sizes: switch-md (default) and switch-xl.
  • Switches are now print-friendly. 📑

📝 Updated

  • Uses CSS pseudo-elements for the toggle thumb instead of box shadow, making it more accessible and polished. 👍
  • Enhanced forced color mode for better accessibility.

🆕 Added

  • New sizes: textarea-xs, textarea-sm, textarea-md (default), textarea-lg, textarea-xl.
  • Added example for Textarea group layout. Perfect for responsive forms! 📝

📝 Updated

  • Updated textarea-floating structure for a cleaner and more streamlined layout.
  • Adjusted the size scale to better align with other components.


  • Removed textarea-filled variant.

Textarea floating

<!-- Before -->
<div class="relative sm:w-96">
  <textarea class="textarea textarea-floating peer" placeholder="Hello!!!" id="textareaFloating"></textarea>
  <label class="textarea-floating-label" for="textareaFloating">Your bio</label>

<!-- After -->
<div class="textarea-floating sm:w-96">
  <textarea class="textarea" placeholder="Hello!!!" id="textareaFloating"></textarea>
  <label class="textarea-floating-label" for="textareaFloating">Your bio</label>

🆕 Added

  • New sizes: advance-select-md (default) and advance-select-xl for advance select (not for tag option).

📝 Updated

  • After removing the input-group, the structure for certain input number fields has been changed.
<!-- Before -->
<div class="input-group max-w-sm" data-input-number>
  <input class="input" type="text" value="1" aria-label="Input number" data-input-number-input />
  <span class="input-group-text gap-3">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-soft size-[22px] rounded min-h-0 p-0" aria-label="Decrement button" data-input-number-decrement>
      <span class="icon-[tabler--minus] size-3.5 flex-shrink-0"></span>
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-soft size-[22px] rounded min-h-0 p-0" aria-label="Increment button" data-input-number-increment>
      <span class="icon-[tabler--plus] size-3.5 flex-shrink-0"></span>

<!-- After -->
<div class="input max-w-sm" data-input-number>
  <input type="text" value="1" aria-label="Input number" data-input-number-input />
  <span class="my-auto flex gap-3">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-soft size-5.5 min-h-0 rounded-sm p-0" aria-label="Decrement button" data-input-number-decrement >
      <span class="icon-[tabler--minus] size-3.5 shrink-0"></span>
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-soft size-5.5 min-h-0 rounded-sm p-0" aria-label="Increment button" data-input-number-increment >
      <span class="icon-[tabler--plus] size-3.5 shrink-0"></span>

🆕 Added

  • New sizes: pin-input-xs, pin-input-md (default) and pin-input-xl for pin input.

📝 Updated

  • After removing the input-group, the structure for toggle password example has been changed.
<!-- Before -->
<div class="input-group max-w-sm">
  <input id="toggle-password" type="password" class="input" placeholder="Enter password" value="Pwd_1242@mA1" />
  <span class="input-group-text">
    <button type="button" data-toggle-password='{ "target": "#toggle-password" }' class="block" aria-label="password toggle">
      <span class="icon-[tabler--eye] text-base-content/80 password-active:block hidden size-5 flex-shrink-0"></span>
      <span class="icon-[tabler--eye-off] text-base-content/80 password-active:hidden block size-5 flex-shrink-0"></span>

<!-- After -->
<div class="input max-w-sm">
  <input id="toggle-password" type="password" placeholder="Enter password" value="Pwd_1242@mA1" />
  <button type="button" data-toggle-password='{ "target": "#toggle-password" }' class="block cursor-pointer" aria-label="password toggle" >
    <span class="icon-[tabler--eye] text-base-content/80 password-active:block hidden size-5 shrink-0"></span>
    <span class="icon-[tabler--eye-off] text-base-content/80 password-active:hidden block size-5 shrink-0"></span>

🆕 Added

  • New table sizes: table-md (default) and table-xl.

📝 Updated

  • Breaking Change: Renamed .hover to .row-hover.
  • Breaking Change: Renamed .active to .row-active. These changes are clearer and make the table interaction easier to understand. 💡


  • Breaking Change: Removed all artboard and phone-* classes. These classes only set the width and height of the div, and now we recommend using Tailwind CSS w-* and h-* classes for better control and flexibility.
<!-- Before -->
<div class="artboard artboard-demo phone-1">320 × 568</div>

<!-- After -->
<div class="w-[320px] h-[568px]">

📝 Updated

  • Breaking Change: Renamed camera to mockup-phone-camera.
  • Breaking Change: Renamed display to mockup-phone-display.
  • Removed the use of artboard in phone components. ➡️ The height and width are now defined inline for better control and flexibility.

⚠️ Important Note: The installation steps for third-party components have been updated.
➡️ Make sure your project follows the latest guidelines to ensure everything works smoothly. 🚀

📝 Updated

  • Change: Updated how to use semantic colors in JS files.
    ➡️ Why: Previously, CSS variables only contained the oklch values (97.8% 0.005 297.73) without the oklch() function, allowing opacity to be added directly. Now, the variables include the full oklch() function (e.g., oklch(97.8% 0.005 297.73)), meaning opacity can no longer be appended directly.
// Before
'oklch(var(--bc) / 0.4)'

// After
'color-mix(in oklab, var(--color-base-content) 40%, transparent)'

📝 Updated

  • Change: Updated how to use semantic colors in JS files.
    ➡️ Why: Like Apexchart, the CSS variable now includes the oklch() function (e.g., oklch(97.8% 0.005 297.73)), so direct opacity adjustments are no longer possible.
// Before
'oklch(var(--bc) / 0.4)'

// After
'color-mix(in oklab, var(--color-base-content) 40%, transparent)'

That’s it! You’ve reached the end of the FlyonUI 2 Update Guide. 🎉