
Tailwind CSS Dropdown

The Dropdown neatly displays Dropdown or content using a JavaScript plugin, offering a compact interface for easy navigation and space-saving.

Class Name
dropdownComponentContainer for the dropdown.
dropdown-toggleComponentToggle button for the dropdown.
dropdown-menuComponentContainer for the dropdown menu.
dropdown-toggle-wrapperModifierA wrapper for a Dropdown toggle, this is useful when some other element is placed in the Dropdown toggle. For example. if you want to place a “+” button inside an existing Dropdown toggle button that opens a modal.
dropdown-itemModifierStyles applied to individual dropdown items.
vertical-scrollbarModifierApplies overflow-y-auto and custom styling to scrollbar.
dropdown-open:{tw-utility-class}ModifierModifies tailwind classes when the dropdown menu is open.
dropdown-closeModifierDropdown close element (can be multiple).
dropdown-headerModifierAdds a header to the dropdown.
dropdown-footerModifierAdds a footer to the dropdown.
dropdown-titleModifierAdds a title to the dropdown.
activeModifierApplies active styling to dropdown items.
disabledModifierApplies disabled styling to dropdown items.

Basic dropdown example.

Use dropdown-header class to display extra information separately from the menu items in the dropdown.

Use the dropdown-footer class to present additional information distinct from the dropdown menu items, at the bottom.

Use dropdown-title class to present titile for the dropdown content.

Using form within a dropdown menu.

Put radio inside dropdown-item. Make the dropdown item appear with radio.

Put checkbox inside dropdown-item. Make the dropdown item appear with checkbox.

Put switch inside dropdown-item. Make the dropdown item appear with switch.

Create nested dropdowns by adding a dropdown within a dropdown.

Use the menu icon trigger element on components such as cards as an alternative element to the button.

Demonstration of a split dropdown.

Dropdown with avatar.

The basic dropdown menu featuring a slide-up animation.

Use dropdown-open:{tw-utility-class} modifier to introduce animation to your dropdown menu. The following example demonstrates a scaling animation.

Apply the dropdown-open:{tw-utility-class} modifier to introduce animation to your dropdown menu sub container. Also add data-dropdown-transition attribute for the sub-container.

The following example demonstrates a translate animation of content.

Add class .active to set the active state.

Add class .disabled to set the disabled state.

The default trigger mode is click, you can change it to hover by adding [--trigger:hover] with dropdown.

The default dropdown menu with dividers.

The standard dropdown menu featuring icons.

The standard dropdown menu with shortcuts using keyboard component.

Apply the vertical-scrollbar class to create a scrollable area, and define the minimum height for this container.

With join you can combine a dropdown and input into one unit.

Apply the Responsive modifier to adapt the dropdown position across different viewport sizes.

For instance, for below example the initial position is set to bottom-start, and it changes to right-start above the ‘sm’ breakpoint.

By default, clicking inside or outside the dropdown menu will close it. You can modify this behavior using the [--auto-close="true(DEFAULT) | inside | outside | false"] option.

  • true: The dropdown closes when clicked both inside and outside.
  • inside: Allow click inside dropdown mainly for input component.
  • outside: Allow click outside dropdown.
  • false: The dropdown only closes when the button is clicked.

By default, the strategy is set to ‘fixed’. To switch it to ‘absolute’, use the [--strategy:*] option.

Use [--offset:*] to set the number of pixels you want the dropdown menu to be offset from the trigger element.

Use [--skidding:*] to move up or down (or left and right) the dropdown menu along and relative to the trigger element.

If you prefer to disable the automatic positioning of the dropdown-menu.

By default the dropdown direction is bottom-start. To change it use [--placement:*]. For centered use simple top, bottom, right, left direction.

Use [--placement:top | top-start | top-end] class to trigger dropup menus above elements.

Use [--placement:bottom | bottom-start(DEFAULT) | bottom-end] class to trigger dropdown menus above elements.

Use [--placement:right | right-start | right-end] class to trigger dropright menus above elements.

Use [--placement:left | left-start | left-end] class to trigger dropleft menus above elements.

EnterActivates the selected tab.
A-Z a-z
Focuses first item that matches keyboard input.
Home End
Focuses first/last non-disabled item.
EscCloses any open Menus.
Focuses previous/next non-disabled item.
data-dropdown-transitionA data attribute is used to specify the container that will undergo animation.--
[--placement:*]Defines the menu’s position upon opening.top, top-start, top-end, bottom, bottom-start, bottom-end, right, right-start, right-end, left, left-start, left-endbottom-start
[--auto-close:*]Specifies the area where clicking is allowed.inside, outside, false, truetrue
[--strategy:*]Indicates the area that, when clicked, will trigger the menu to close.fixed, absolutefixed
[--offset:*]Adjusts the dropdown’s offset from the bottom or top.number5
[--skidding:*]Adjusts the dropdown’s skidding from the right or left.number0
[--flip:*]Changes the menu’s position to prevent overlapping with its reference element.true, falsetrue
[--trigger:*]Event to trigger a dropdownhover , clickclick

The HSDropdown object is contained within the global window object.

open()Opens the dropdown menu forcefully.
Closes the dropdown menu forcefully.
  • isAnimated boolean: Indicates if the dropdown menu should close with animation.
forceClearState()Completely removes the dropdown.
Retrieves the element associated with the target.
  • The target can be either a Node or a string (a valid CSS selector).
Forces the dropdown menu to open.
  • The target must be a Node.
Forces the dropdown menu to close.
  • The target must be a Node.

Below, is the demonstration on how to use the public methods. Apply the ID to the dropdown component class. To test other methods, copy the following methods into your console and click the button.

Open item (public method).

// This method is used in above example.
const dropdown = new HSDropdown(document.querySelector('#dropdown-method'));
const openBtn = document.querySelector('#open-btn');

openBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {

Open item (static method).

const openBtn = document.querySelector('#open-btn');

openBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {

Open item (mixed).

const { element } = HSDropdown.getInstance('#dropdown-method', true);
const openBtn = document.querySelector('#open-btn');

openBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
on:openTriggered whenever a dropdown menu is opened.
on:closeTriggered whenever a dropdown menu is closed.

Below, is the demonstration on how to use the event. Apply the ID to the dropdown component class. To test these event, copy the following event into your console and click the button.

Open any dropdown event example.

const { element } = HSDropdown.getInstance('#dropdown-event', true)

element.on('open', (instance) => {console.log("open")});
element.on('close', (instance) => {console.log("close")});