
Tailwind CSS Tooltip

A tooltip is a helpful tool that displays a message when you hover over an element.

Class Name
tooltipComponentBase class for tooltip component.
tooltip-toggleComponentBase class for toggling the display of tooltip.
tooltip-contentComponentPlaces for tooltip content with popper.
tooltip-bodyComponentContainer for tooltip content.
tooltip-primaryModifierTooltip with ‘primary’ color.
tooltip-secondaryModifierTooltip with ‘secondary’ color.
tooltip-accentModifierTooltip with ‘accent’ color.
tooltip-infoModifierTooltip with ‘info’ color.
tooltip-successModifierTooltip with ‘success’ color.
tooltip-warningModifierTooltip with ‘warning’ color.
tooltip-errorModifierTooltip with ’error’ color.
tooltip-shown:{tw-utility-class}ModifierAdds specific tailwind classes when the tooltip is open.

Utilize the class tooltip as the target for JavaScript to address the tooltip component, and use the component class tooltip-content for the tooltip container. Apply the Tailwind CSS display utility classes opacity-100 and visible to the tooltip-shown: modifier to toggle the visibility of the tooltip and make it visible.

Apply the component class tooltip-toggle to a button or any other element to trigger the appearance of the tooltip upon hovering.

Include any text or markup within the component class tooltip-body that you wish to display in the tooltip.

Use below given example for default tooltip on hover.

Use modifier class tooltip-{semantic-color} with component class tooltip-body for colored tooltip.

Utilize the JavaScript option class [--placement:{direction}] to specify the tooltip placement in various directions. Here, direction can be top, bottom, left, or right. By default, the tooltip is positioned at the top.

Please utilize the provided example for creating an image tooltip.

Below given example shows user details tooltip upon hover.

Below given example shows descriptive tooltip upon hover.

[--trigger:*]Event to trigger a tooltip.focus, hover, clickhover
[--placement:*]Tooltip placement.top, top-start, top-end, bottom, bottom-start, bottom-end, right, right-start, right-end, left, left-start, left-endtop
[--strategy:*]Sets the position to absolute instead of fixed, and removes the transform styles to position the menu relative to the relative parent block.fixed, absolutefixed
[--interaction:*]Adjusts interactivity within the tooltip/popover content.booleantrue
[-—prevent-popper:*]Prevents popper positioning calculation issue.booleanfalse

The HSTooltip object is contained within the global window object.

show()Force show tooltip.
hide()Force hide tooltip.
HSTooltip.getInstance(target, isInstance)
Returns the element associated to the target.
  • The target can be either a Node or a string (a valid CSS selector).
  • isInstance boolean. Returns the instance instead of Node if true.
Shows the element associated to the target.
  • target should be a Node or string (valid selector).
Shows the element associated to the target.
  • target should be a Node or string (valid selector).

Below is a demonstration of how to use the public methods. Apply the ID to the tooltip component class and target it using the methods. We’ve included JavaScript for a public method, enabling it to function when the method button is clicked. To test other methods, copy and paste the following code into your console, then click the button.

Force show tooltip (public method).

// This method is used in above example.
const tooltip = new HSTooltip(document.querySelector('#tooltip-target'));
const showBtn = document.querySelector('#show-btn');

showBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {

Force show tooltip (static method).

const showBtn = document.querySelector('#show-btn');

showBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {

Open item (mixed).

const { element } = HSTooltip.getInstance('#tooltip-target', true);
const showBtn = document.querySelector('#show-btn');

showBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
on:showTriggered whenever a tooltip is showed.
on:hideTriggered whenever a tooltip is hidden.

Below is a demonstration of how to use the event. We’ve included JavaScript to handle the events, allowing it to execute when the corresponding event is fired. To test these events, monitor your console.

An example where a function is run every time a tooltip shows.

const { element } = HSTooltip.getInstance('#tooltip-target-2', true)

element.on('show', (instance) => console.log("show"));
element.on('hide', (instance) => console.log("hide"));