third party plugins
Tailwind CSS Rating
The Ratings Component uses stars or symbols to visually represent user evaluations, providing a quick and intuitive way to display feedback and quality.
Below are the comprehensively outlined steps you can follow to seamlessly integrate Raty JS with FlyonUI.
The following example demonstrates the usage of a star-based rating system with the raty-js library using images, initialized with the below provided JavaScript code. Set the path
to the location where the images are stored in your project, or to the node modules if they are stored there.
<div class="flex" id="raty-with-image"></div>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
const ratingImage = new Raty(document.querySelector('#raty-with-image'), {
path: '/images/' // path/to/images(directory)
The following example demonstrates the usage of a star-based rating system with the raty-js library using fonts, initialized with the below provided JavaScript code. Set the path
to the location where the fonts are stored in your project, or to the node modules if they are stored there.
<div class="flex" id="raty-with-font"></div>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
const ratingFont = new Raty(document.querySelector('#raty-with-font'), {
path: '/fonts/', // path/to/fonts(directory)
starType: 'i'
The following example demonstrates the usage of a star-based read only (static) rating system, initialized with the below provided JavaScript code.
<div class="flex" id="raty-read-only"></div>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
const ratingReadOnly = new Raty(document.querySelector('#raty-read-only'), {
path: '/images/',
score: 3,
readOnly: true
The following example demonstrates the usage of a rating with the custom heart icons, initialized with the below provided JavaScript code.
<div class="flex" id="raty-custom-icons"></div>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
const ratingCustomIcons = new Raty(document.querySelector('#raty-custom-icons'), {
starType: 'i',
starOff: 'icon-[tabler--heart-filled] opacity-20 size-7 text-error',
starOn: 'icon-[tabler--heart-filled] size-7 text-error'
The following example demonstrates the usage of a rating with half stars, initialized with the below provided JavaScript code.
<div class="flex" id="raty-with-half-stars"></div>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
const ratingHalfStars = new Raty(document.querySelector('#raty-with-half-stars'), {
path: '/images/',
score: 2.5,
half: true
Utilize size-{number}
with starOff
& starOn
options for rating with custom sizes.
<div class="flex" id="raty-xs"></div>
<div class="flex" id="raty-sm"></div>
<div class="flex" id="raty-default"></div>
<div class="flex" id="raty-lg"></div>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
// Small
const ratingSmall = new Raty(document.querySelector('#raty-sm'), {
starType: 'i',
score: 1,
starOff: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] opacity-20 size-4',
starOn: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] size-4'
// Default
const ratingDefault = new Raty(document.querySelector('#raty-default'), {
starType: 'i',
score: 2,
starOff: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] opacity-20 size-7',
starOn: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] size-7'
// Large
const ratingLarge = new Raty(document.querySelector('#raty-lg'), {
starType: 'i',
score: 3,
starOff: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] opacity-20 size-10',
starOn: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] size-10'
Utilize text-{color}
with starOff
& starOn
options for rating with custom colors.
<div class="flex" id="raty-primary"></div>
<div class="flex" id="raty-warning"></div>
<div class="flex" id="raty-error"></div>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
// Primary
const ratingPrimary = new Raty(document.querySelector('#raty-primary'), {
starType: 'i',
score: 1,
starOff: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] opacity-20 size-7 text-primary',
starOn: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] size-7 text-primary'
// Warning
const ratingWarning = new Raty(document.querySelector('#raty-warning'), {
starType: 'i',
score: 2,
starOff: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] opacity-20 size-7 text-warning',
starOn: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] size-7 text-warning'
// Error
const ratingError = new Raty(document.querySelector('#raty-error'), {
starType: 'i',
score: 3,
starOff: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] opacity-20 size-7 text-error',
starOn: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] size-7 text-error'
The following example demonstrates the usage of a rating with hints, initialized with the below provided JavaScript code.
<div class="flex" id="raty-with-hints"></div>
<div class="h-6" data-hint></div>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
const ratingHints = new Raty(document.querySelector('#raty-with-hints'), {
path: '/images/',
hints: ['Terrible 😔', 'Unsatisfactory 😑', 'Average 😊', 'Nice 😁', 'Splendid 😍'],
target: '[data-hint]',
targetFormat: 'Your experience was: {score}'
The following example demonstrates the usage of a rating with custom number of stars , initialized with the below provided JavaScript code.
<div class="flex" id="raty-with-custom-number-of-stars"></div>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
const ratingCustomStars = new Raty(document.querySelector('#raty-with-custom-number-of-stars'), {
path: '/images/',
number: 8
The following example demonstrates the usage of a rating with score(value) , initialized with the below provided JavaScript code.
<div class="flex items-center justify-between gap-4">
<div class="flex" id="raty-with-score"></div>
<div class="border-base-content/25 rounded-field text-base-content flex size-8 items-center justify-center border border-2 font-semibold" id="raty-score" ></div>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
const ratingWithScore = new Raty(document.querySelector('#raty-with-score'), {
starType: 'i',
score: 2,
starOff: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] opacity-20 size-7',
starOn: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] size-7 text-warning',
starHalf: 'icon-[tabler--star-half-filled] size-7 text-warning',
targetScore: '#raty-score',
half: true,
click: function (score, event) {
document.querySelector('#raty-score').textContent = score
// Initial score
document.querySelector('#raty-score').textContent = ratingWithScore.score()
The following example demonstrates the usage of a rating with reset option, initialized with the below provided JavaScript code.
<div class="flex" id="raty-with-reset"></div>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
const ratingWithReset = new Raty(document.querySelector('#raty-with-reset'), {
starType: 'i',
score: 2,
starOff: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] opacity-20 size-7',
starOn: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] size-7 text-warning',
cancelOff: 'cancel-off-png',
cancelOn: 'cancel-on-png text-error',
cancelButton: true,
cancelHint: 'Reset rating!',
cancelPlace: 'right'
The following example demonstrates the usage of a rating with animation, initialized with the below provided JavaScript code.
<div class="flex" id="raty-with-animation"></div>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
const ratingWithAnimation = new Raty(document.querySelector('#raty-with-animation'), {
starType: 'i',
starOff: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] opacity-20 size-7',
starOn: 'icon-[tabler--star-filled] size-7 text-warning',
click: function (score, event, target) {
// Add the animation class to the clicked star using requestAnimationFrame
requestAnimationFrame(() => {'raty-jump')
// Add hover effect immediately after initialization
const stars = document.querySelectorAll('#raty-with-animation i') // Adjust the selector if needed
stars.forEach(star => {
star.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
star.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {