Set up FlyonUI with Angular using Tailwind CSS Integrate FlyonUI with Angular and Tailwind CSS to create a modern, responsive UI, streamlining your development process efficiently.
Installation The plugin has been tested with the latest framework version (v18.2.0), installed via the standard `ng new project-name`
command. Components were created using `ng generate component component-name`
. If you're using a custom project structure, pay attention to file paths!
setup Angular is a JavaScript framework for building dynamic web applications. If you haven't set up Tailwind CSS yet, check out
Angular Tailwind CSS
installation guides.
Install FlyonUI
via npm.
Configure FlyonUI JavaScript paths
Add the path to FlyonUI JavaScript files in your tailwind.config.js
// tailwind.config.js
module .exports = {
content : [
'./node_modules/flyonui/dist/js/*.js' ,
plugins : [
require ('flyonui' ),
require ('flyonui/plugin' )
Note: If you want to include specific js component
Tip : Using specific components helps minimize the size of the generated JavaScript and CSS.
module .exports = {
content : ["./node_modules/flyonui/dist/js/accordion.js" ], // Specific JS component
Add the FlyonUI JavaScript
Include FlyonUI JavaScript to the root_directory/angular.json
"projects" : {
"angular" : {
"architect" : {
"build" : {
"options" : {
"scripts" : [
Note: If you want to include specific js component:
"scripts" : [
"node_modules/flyonui/dist/js/accordion.js" // Specific JS Component
Add a reinitialization helper
Add code that reinitializes the components every time the page is refreshed to your app. root_directory/src/app/app.component.ts
import { Router , Event , NavigationEnd } from '@angular/router' ;
import { IStaticMethods } from 'flyonui/flyonui' ;
declare global {
interface Window {
HSStaticMethods : IStaticMethods ;
@ Component ({
export class AppComponent {
constructor (private router : Router ) {
ngOnInit () {
this . router . events . subscribe ((event : Event ) => {
if (event instanceof NavigationEnd ) {
setTimeout (() => {
window . HSStaticMethods . autoInit ();
}, 100 );
Note: If you want to include specific js component
import { type HSAccordion } from "flyonui/flyonui" ;
declare global {
interface Window {
HSAccordion : typeof HSAccordion ; // Specific JS Component
if (event instanceof NavigationEnd ) {
setTimeout (() => {
window.HSAccordion .autoInit (); // Add particular component `autoInit()` method
}, 100 );