Set up FlyonUI with NextJS using Tailwind CSS Use FlyonUI with Next.js and Tailwind CSS to design a cutting-edge, responsive interface, optimizing your development experience.
Installation Please note that the plugin has been tested with the latest version of the framework (v14.2.15). The framework was installed using the standard `npx create-next-app@latest`
command. If you are using your own project structure or a different version, pay attention to the file paths and features of your version!
setup Next.js is a React framework for server-side rendering and static site generation. If you haven't set up Tailwind CSS yet, Next.js Tailwind CSS check out installation guides.
Install FlyonUI
via npm.
Configure FlyonUI JavaScript paths
Add the path to FlyonUI JavaScript files in your tailwind.config.ts
// tailwind.config.ts
module .exports = {
content : [
'./node_modules/flyonui/dist/js/*.js' ,
plugins : [
require ('flyonui' ),
require ('flyonui/plugin' )
Note: If you want to include specific js component
Tip : Using specific components helps minimize the size of the generated JavaScript and CSS.
// tailwind.config.ts
module .exports = {
content : [
'./node_modules/flyonui/dist/js/accordion.js' , // Specific JS component
Create FlyonUI JavaScript loader
Create the FlyonUI JavaScript loader inside the project, e.g. root_directory/components/FlyonuiScript.tsx
'use client' ;
import { usePathname } from 'next/navigation' ;
import { useEffect } from 'react' ;
import { IStaticMethods } from 'flyonui/flyonui' ;
declare global {
interface Window {
HSStaticMethods : IStaticMethods ;
export default function FlyonuiScript () {
const path = usePathname ();
useEffect (() => {
const loadFlyonui = async () => {
await import ('flyonui/flyonui' );
window.HSStaticMethods .autoInit ();
loadFlyonui ();
}, [path ]);
return null ;
Note: If you want to include specific js component
'use client' ;
import { usePathname } from 'next/navigation' ;
import { useEffect } from 'react' ;
import { type HSAccordion } from 'flyonui/flyonui' ;
declare global {
interface Window {
HSAccordion : typeof HSAccordion ;
export default function FlyonuiScript () {
const path = usePathname ();
useEffect (() => {
const loadComponents = async () => {
await import ('flyonui/dist/js/accordion.js' );
window.HSAccordion .autoInit (); // Add particular component `autoInit()` method
loadComponentss ();
}, [path ]);
return null ;
Add the FlyonUI JavaScript loader
Add the FlyonUI JavaScript loader to your app entry point, e.g. root_directory/app/layout.tsx
import FlyonuiScript from '../scripts/FlyonuiScript' ;
export default function RootLayout ({ children , }: { children : React .ReactNode ; }) {
return (
<html >
<FlyonuiScript />
</html >