Configuring FlyonUI within a Svelte project while incorporating Tailwind CSS for enhanced styling.
Please note that this plugin has been tested with the latest framework version (v5.0.5). It was installed using the standard `npm create svelte@latest project-name` command. If you’re working with a custom project setup or a different framework version, be sure to check the file paths and features specific to your version!
Svelte is a powerful JavaScript framework designed for building fast, efficient web applications. If you haven't configured Tailwind CSS yet, refer to the SvelteKit Tailwind CSS installation guide.
Insert the code that reinitializes components whenever to ensure that FlyonUI.js is reinitialized after any DOM updates and navigation events changes in projects_root_directory/src/routes/+layout.svelte.
import { afterNavigate } from"$app/navigation";
afterNavigate(() => {
// Runs after navigating between pages