Roadmap Details
FlyonUI Roadmap
FlyonUI Roadmap, milestones and upcoming features.
Feature Details:
v1.2.0 FlyonUI
New plugin: Tree View
New plugin: Advanced Range Slider
New third-party plugin: Advanced Range Slider
New plugin: Drag and Drop (Sortable.js)
New third-party plugin: Datatable
New third-party plugin: Animation
New navigations: Sidebar
New overlays: Context Menu
New carousel variants
New tree view variants
New drawer variants
New advance select variants
New combo box variants
New helper for ApexChart
New helper for Clipboard
Docs Updates
Include theme generator
Future Plans
Upgrade to TailwindCSS 4
Provide each theme as standalone CSS files.
Implement native CSS nesting for all components
New component: Layout Splitter
Include examples of free templates
Amazing new themes